Added close Tab on middle mouse button. Added hotkeys to activate/deactivate/toggle 3D sound. Added context menu to ban out of complainlist. Added "Enter Chat Message." info text to chat field. Added new channel description preview (work in progress) which is a replacement for the WYSIWYG editor. Added dialog when trying to send a server chat without permission. Existing hotkeys will be backed up and converted to make them also usable for the new systems. The RawInput system can also handle joysticks and gamepads. Added two(windows only) additional hotkey systems for keyboard and mouse for testing. This return value should only be used in very rare situations.
Note: It's strict so both tags have to be found! - Exported temporary password functions to Plugin API - New getClientDisplayname function in Plugin API (client name including custom nickname, as configured in the contacts) - Added special return value of -2 to Plugin init function. tags for chat to prevent text in between beeing replaced with emoticons. Added saving of ban duration for presets. Added toolbar buttons set and delete for avatars. Plugin API changed to 17 - Added away hotkey with away message. For an online conference, this option helps to further establish the position of all players on a virtual table. The sound may be moved in a three dimensional space. It is perfect for online players to send instructions or information to others.ģD effects are integrated to enhance or change the sound of the voice.

If user has permission, he can also "kick" troublemakers.Ī minimum latency is received in the transmission of voice but there are codecs used to reduce the latency for communication and improve the voice quality. To prevent the arrival of unwanted pranksters, user will be able to protect his "channel" with a password. The program is optimized for conversations in large numbers ( up to 16 by default). The quality of the transmission and bandwidth can be configured according to the available connection. The application is designed to run in the background and is particularly useful in network games. TeamSpeak is a program that allows communication between multiple users connected to the same server. Communication in a gaming network team is important and for that many softwares were developed but TeamSpeak is a must since it is very flexible offering may configuration options.